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Dr. Eva Rathgeber

Past Board Chair

Adjunct Professor, University of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, Canada

Dr. Eva Rathgeber

Eva M. Rathgeber is a consultant in international development. From 2002-2006 she held the Joint Chair of Women’s Studies at the University of Ottawa/ Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada and she continues to serve as an adjunct professor at the University of

She spent many years with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), starting as a program officer in science and technology and later became founder and director of IDRC’s Gender and Development Program. From 1992-2001, she was
IDRC Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa, based in Nairobi, Kenya. She continues to work closely with many international organizations, in the UN system and in the NGO sector.

She is a past president of the Canadian Association for International Development and has served on the boards of numerous environmental, information communications technology, health, and gender/human rights NGOs. She is currently the Chair of the Steering Committee of the Gender and Water Alliance and she has served as Chair of two UN Expert Groups. She has worked in most regions of the world. Dr. Rathgeber has published widely on science and technology policy, knowledge production, gender and development, and gender and natural resource management, including water management.