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Sexual and Reproductive Health Training for General Practitioners

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Sexual and Reproductive Health Training for General Practitioners


Hazaribag is a densely populated area located in Old Dhaka, and most of the people living in this community are poor and underserved. Individuals seeking sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services often travel outside of the community to visit a government health facility, which can be challenging for many.

Dr. A is a general practitioner in Hazaribag, who has been aware of these challenges in her community. However, she lacked adequate training to provide SRH services. To meet the needs of her community she wanted to learn more about family planning and menstrual regulation (the term used locally for abortion). As a result of the new training offered through the Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Dhaka project, funded by Global Affairs Canada, Dr. A was able to gain practical skills and knowledge about providing quality SRH services.

In February of 2022, Dr. A participated in the SRH training provided by the Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Bangladesh (OGSB). She was thrilled to receive the training that she was seeking. The clinical skills-based training covered menstrual regulation, postabortion care, and family planning services, including long-acting reversible contraception methods such as the implant.

Now that Dr. A has received SRH training, she is confidently offering menstrual regulation and family planning services to women and adolescents in her community. Her patients can trust that they are receiving high quality SRH services close to home.

Dr. A is only one of a 100 GPs who will receive the SRH training by OGSB through the Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Dhaka project. Her story highlights that a lack of training for GPs can be a significant barrier for women and adolescents seeking SRH services. Through offering training to GPs in underserved areas, access to high quality SRH services can be improved.

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