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HealthBridge Vietnam becomes a member of the Food System Transformation Partnership

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HealthBridge Vietnam becomes a member of the Food System Transformation Partnership


We are excited to announce that HealthBridge Vietnam has joined the Food System Transformation (FST) Partnership, thanks to an invitation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)! This collaboration brings together MARD, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and over 30 national and international organizations, including embassies from France, the U.S., and Canada, as well as the EU Delegation in Vietnam, FAO, and UNDP, among others.

Group photo of the signing ceremony

The goal of this partnership is to unite our strengths to transform the food system for the better. We’ll focus on enhancing skills, sharing best practices in policy and research, mobilizing resources, and promoting responsible consumption practices and healthy eating habits to improve nutrition and food security in Vietnam.

The official signing took place in Hanoi, led by Minister Le Minh Hoan, who emphasized,

"Together, we will create new values for the ‘Right to food for a better life and a better future.’ The future isn’t just something we guess; it’s something we build together."

Minister of MARD Le Minh Hoan delivers the opening speech

Mr. Patrick Haverman from UNDP expressed hope that the FST Partnership will unite all our efforts to transform Vietnam's food systems sustainably and transparently.

My hope is that the FST Partnership will take off and serve as an effective platform, uniting the expertise, financial resources, efforts, and determination of all partners to transform Vietnam's food systems in a sustainable, responsible and transparent manner.

With HealthBridge’s experience in improving maternal and child health in ethnic minority communities and advocating for healthier food choices, we’re ready to engage in several important tasks, including:

Representative from Health Bridge participate in the signing ceremony
Mr. Nguyen Van Huan, HealthBridge Vietnam Project Manager at the signing ceremony in Hanoi
  • Raising Awareness: Educating producers and businesses on food safety and nutrition while reducing food waste.
  • Diversifying Agriculture: Promoting nutrition-sensitive agriculture in disadvantaged areas to ensure vulnerable groups have equitable access to healthy foods.
  • Coordinating Efforts: Using a One Health approach to connect human, animal, plant, and environmental health in food supply chain management.
  • Food Balance Sheets: Creating detailed reports to track and improve food production and distribution, including piloting food banks and short supply chains for local, fresh and healthy foods.
  • Promoting Healthy Eating: Teaching consumers about balanced nutrition and its benefits.
  • Safe Food Distribution: Implementing sustainable practices in food distribution.
  • Applied Research: Exploring the links between food, nutrition, health, and the environment.

The partnership will be implemented from 2024 to 2030, establishing technical working groups where HealthBride will contribute its expertise.