How walking and placemaking are changing in Kathmandu
HealthBridge News
How walking and placemaking are changing in Kathmandu
Our Livable Cities Director Kristie Daniel just had a post published in the blog of the Sustainable Cities Collective about life in Kathmandu post-earthquakes. She writes:
"Neighbours are spontaneously erecting signs that encouraging drivers to 'drive slow' on their streets, as they don’t want their houses (and fragile states of mind) shaken by speeding vehicles.
Our Livable Cities Director Kristie Daniel just had a post published in the blog of the Sustainable Cities Collective about life in Kathmandu post-earthquakes. She writes:
"Neighbours are spontaneously erecting signs that encouraging drivers to 'drive slow' on their streets, as they don’t want their houses (and fragile states of mind) shaken by speeding vehicles.
People are talking about the importance of public spaces in a way they never have before."