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Now available: Year 2 Report for Saving lives of mothers and children in Nepal and Vietnam

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Now available: Year 2 Report for Saving lives of mothers and children in Nepal and Vietnam


Read the Year 2 Annual Report!

The 2017 - 2018 Annual Report for Strengthening Health Systems and Improving Nutrition in Nepal and Vietnam (also known as Saving lives of mothers and children in Nepal and Vietnam) is now available online. The report describes the progress of the project over the period from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.

In the report, HealthBridge details challenges, successes and progress of the project in its first year of implementation. Key achievements from Year 2 include:

  • Regular monitoring and support conducted at health facilities in Vietnam, and at ward clinics and birth centers in Nepal;
  • Nutrition training provided to local health workers, who have facilitated nutrition education and food demonstrations with their local communities;
  • Ten Auxiliary Nursing Midwives trained as skilled birth attendants in Nepal, and 19 women trained as ethnic minority midwives in Vietnam.

Read the full report for more information on progress of the project in Year 2.

The project Strengthening Health Systems and Improving Nutrition in Nepal and Vietnam is being implemented over a four year period from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2020 in Nepal and Vietnam. To implement the project, HealthBridge Foundation of Canada is working in collaboration with its local partners HealthBridge Vietnam, the Centre for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population (Vietnam) and the International Nepal Fellowship.