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Promoting liveable cities in India

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Cities in India and around the world are undergoing similar changes. A growth in motorized vehicles contributes to pollution and traffic congestion, which makes moving about, and even breathing, more difficult and dangerous. Parks and other green spaces are disappearing due to development pressures. As a result, many children do not have access to the places and opportunities that are critical for their physical and mental development. As bad as the situation is for urban children in general, it is even worse for those with disabilities, who have even fewer opportunities to walk and bicycle to school safely and to have access to parks and open spaces. HealthBridge’s Livable Cities India program, carried out by our local partner ESAF, seeks to address all these challenges through a coordinated plan that involves Active and Safe Routes to School (ASRTS), park research and re-development, and efforts at pedestrianization of commercial streets. The work is difficult but the potential benefits are enormous: a reduction in air pollution would improve air quality and lead to better health. More physical activity will lead to better health and more happiness. More opportunities for social interaction improve physical and mental health, and also lead to the kinds of inter-personal connections that allow for civility in cities. Already the program has experienced successes in rehabilitating local parks and making them accessible and usable for those with disabilities; even bigger changes are on the horizon.