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Livable Cities: Nepal

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Livable Cities: Nepal



HealthBridge’s partner in Nepal is Digo Bikas Institute (DBI). DBI works to ensure people’s rights to health and improving the health of urban residents. DBI currently focuses on creating safe streets for walking, cycling, and community activities.

Ensuring people have pleasant and safe places to walk is important for health. It reduces injury rates, can increase physical activity levels, and decreases the risk of developing non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cancer and diabetes. Safe streets also encourage people to move about outside and provides more opportunities for neighbours and community members to meet.

Consultation with academician andculture activist on the need for cultural reflection in new town developmentproject
Consultation with academics and culture activist on the need for cultural reflection in new town development project
Community Consultation withresidents of Basantapur 1 of the 52 new town development site
Community consultation with residents of Basantapur related to the new town development site

DBI’s activities include:

  • Promoting car-free areas in different municipalities of Kathmandu Valley
  • Promoting cycling events to help people become comfortable with cycling
  • Conducting policy analysis of Model City Development Plan and Proposal of Ministry of Urban Development
  • Building a national network for Car-Free Cities Alliance (CCA)
  • Organizing workshops with policy makers to gain attention and interest towards sustainable forms of transportation, car-free cities and public space.
Children playing in the streets of Phidim new town development site when vehcile centric planning to disrupt thepeople centric patterns
Children playing in the streets of Phidim where development is threatening to displace the community


Expected Results

Expected results include:

  • Increased number of people using streets as open public spaces
  • Increased number of streets that support placemaking and community events
  • Increased number of people able to walk or cycle to destinations such as open public spaces, local public markets, schools, work, and transit
  • Increased number of quality improvements to the walking and cycling environment
  • Increased number of streets that support and encourage walking and cycling.