Sri Lanka has encountered numerous challenges in recent years, worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic and persistent economic issues. It is important to stabilize the economy, improve governance, and address social concerns to secure the country's future.
The goal of HealthBridge’s livable cities project in Sri Lanka is to help the national government move faster towards providing everyone with safe, inclusive, and accessible green and public spaces, especially women, children, older people, and those with disabilities—this aligns with SDG 11 Target 11.7 (Indicator 11.7.1).
HealthBridge’s partner ESAF Global Canada focuses on making urban neighborhoods in Sri Lanka more livable and promoting healthy lifestyles. The project work is centered on three main areas:
- Open Public Spaces: The number of safe, accessible, and enjoyable public spaces in cities has been decreasing, even though more people want them. Many city governments struggle to meet these demands due to a lack of resources and a clear plan. We conduct research, pilot projects, and work with local groups and officials in Jaffna to create strategies for developing and maintaining public spaces.
- Streets: Following the National Road Master Plan 2021-2030, our activities focus on creating safe, accessible, and inclusive environments for walking and cycling. This will promote health, reduce environmental impact, and strengthen community connections. Successful pedestrian and non-motorized transport (NMT) initiatives depend on good policy, planning, and public awareness.
- Markets: Public markets are vital to many communities, offering fresh and healthy food, fostering community connections, and supporting local economies. Our program aims to improve public market systems by developing better infrastructure, policies, and investments at city, regional, and national levels. We will organize research, campaigns, and workshops to build the support needed to protect and preserve local public markets.

Expected Results
- Increased number of people using open public spaces
- Increased number of people able to safely and comfortable walk or cycle to an open public space
- Increased number of open public spaces
- Increased number of people using streets as open public spaces.
- Increased number of streets that support placemaking and community events
- Increased number of people able to walk or cycle to destinations such as open public spaces, local public markets, schools, work, and transit
- Increased number of streets that support and encourage walking and cycling
- Increased number of people using their local public market
- Increased number of quality improvements to local public markets
- Increased number of local public markets