Canadian civil society participation at the second Conference of the Parties (COP2) of the Framework

Canadian civil society participation at the second Conference of the Parties (COP2) of the Framework
North-South partnerships to support and strengthen tobacco control policies and law implementation i
Canadian Global Tobacco Control Forum (CGTCF): Strengthening Canadian capacity to support global tob
Mainstreaming tobacco control in Vietnam
Media advocacy for smoke free implementation in Vietnam
Reducing the social acceptability of smoking in Vietnam
Strengthening of smoke-free policies and their enforcement for smoke-free Hanoi
Strengthening the role of organized civil society in the struggle to control the tobacco epidemic
Alianca de Controle do Tabagisme / HealthBridge collaboration
Facilitating gender-sensitive research for tobacco control policy development in Brazil
Tobacco and poverty: Research and capacity building
Health costs attributable to smoking in Vietnam
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