Tobacco control as part of the larger NCDs and development agenda

Tobacco control as part of the larger NCDs and development agenda
Promoting evidence-based communication for improving cancer control in Vietnam
Raising the stakes on tobacco and poverty: Strengthening international engagement in and advocacy on
Global Tobacco Control and NCD Prevention: strengthening policy-based solutions
The project accelerated knowledge sharing of the best policy-based practices for tackling risk factors for NCD.
Southeast Asian initiative on tobacco tax
This project provided policymakers with research-based evidence of the effectiveness of improved tobacco tax systems and sustainable funding mechanisms, and provided technical assistance to implement such policies.
Strengthening the tobacco control legislative environment in Vietnam
This project aimed to support and strengthen the implementation of Vietnam’s tobacco control law, and to create an enabling tax environment that would support the prevention and reduction of tobacco consumption in Vietnam.
Strengthening alcohol control legislation to reduce road crash death and injury in Vietnam
This project sought to support the development of a comprehensive alcohol control policy in Vietnam that would address marketing and promotion of alcohol, as well as sales restrictions. It included providing support to the legislative process via drafting of laws, and generating support for adoption of laws by sharing information about the consequences of alcohol abuse directly and via the mass media.
Facilitating alcohol control law development in Vietnam
The intent of this project was to develop an evidence base for developing, and implementing, alcohol control policy in Vietnam. Specifically, research addressed: international best practices in alcohol control; the affordability of alcohol and the potential role of taxes to reduce affordability; industry marketing efforts and ways to address them, and the link between alcohol use and poverty.
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