This project is a continuation of HealthBridge’s efforts to generate and provide evidence for strengthening tobacco tax and policies to control new tobacco products in Vietnam.
Vietnam’s comprehensive Tobacco Control Law (2013) incorporating many of MPOWER’s policy recommendations, and its implementation to date have contributed to reducing male smoking prevalence from 47.4% (2010) to 45.3% (2015) and the prevalence of exposure to second hand smoke (10% reduction across all settings). These reductions, however, are modest and the prevalence of male smoking remains high (GAT 2015).
In Vietnam, low cigarette prices undermine the slow decline in smoking prevalence. Despite some excise tax increases, cigarette affordability continues to rise given income increases. The ad-valorem-only tax structure also limits the impact of tax increases on tobacco’s ultimate retail price. Unless continued excise tax increases widen the affordability gap, there is little expectation that smoking prevalence will drop further.
The recent widespread use of ENDS/HTPs in the country raises concerns among public health experts as there is no policy to control these new tobacco products. The project’s goal is to strengthen tobacco excise tax and policies to control ENDS/HTPs by generating and providing evidence, and raising awareness among relevant government agencies and other stakeholders.
Expected Results
- Evidence supporting tobacco tax reform and policies to control ENDS/HTPs generated and provided to relevant government agencies, media and the public.
- Improved awareness and commitment of relevant government agencies on strengthening tobacco tax to reduce consumption, and of its health and economic consequences to the public and the nation.
- Improved awareness and support of media agencies and the public on strong tobacco tax reform and strong policies to control ENDS/HTPs.
- Expansion of supporting voices from diverse organizations and government agencies for strong tobacco tax and policies to control ENDs/HTPs.
- Enhanced knowledge about industry arguments/tactics and interference in policy development and implementation.
- As proposal of revised Excise Tax Law with strong tobacco tax option submitted to the National Assembly
- A strong proposal made by Government on controlling ENDS/HTPs in Vietnam.