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The joy of food

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Eating lunch today (brown rice, collard greens, pineapple fried with black mushroom, hardboiled egg), it occurred to me that if someone announced a new discovery that allowed people to eat junk food and still be healthy, I would still want to eat the way I do now. That is, I try to eat a very healthy diet, but I also love fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and pulses. It’s partly because of how good I feel after the meal, but also the flavours of fresh, healthy ingredients. Similarly with exercise: I’m glad that walking is good for me, but I would walk anyway because I love it so much (depending, of course, on the conditions for walking). We definitely, as WHO says, have to make the healthy choices the easy choices, but we should also remember (and try to ensure) that often, the healthy choices are also the enjoyable ones!