
In rural India, we helped more than 60,000 women and babies receive essential health care during pregnancy, child birth and the post-partum period. Thanks to our efforts, the percentage of women receiving 4 or more ante-natal care visits tripled from 7% to 23% and skilled birth care more than doubled from 30% to 70%.
Nutrition plays an important role in healthy development during infancy and early childhood. As a result of educating more than 30,000 pregnant and lactating mothers, almost twice as many infants were exclusively breastfed (increase from 55% to 93%) and more than double the number of children were fed healthy diets from 6-23 months (increase from 20% to 51%).
These life-saving interventions will result in huge achievements in saving lives, as calculated using the Lives Saved Tool, with infant mortality falling from 44 to 32 (per 1,000 births), newborn deaths from 32 to 20 (per 1,000 births), and maternal mortality from 205 to 155 (per 100,000 births).
Read more about our Pakur project.